100+ Psychology Trivia Questions and Answers

The human mind is a fascinating system that operates so intricately. Hence, we now know many borderline personality disorder names, mental illness types, personalities, methodical thinking patterns and so on. Psychology trivia seems like the best way to see how much of the topic you know!

Psychology Trivia

Psychology is the study of the human mind and how it works. It’s how we understand human motivation, brain activity, and the things that make a healthy brain. How many psychology facts do you know? Maybe you didn’t know some of these.

  • The Stanford prison experiment happened in a prison setting to prove people conform easily to social roles they are expected to play.
  • Ivan Pavlov is a Russian scientist best known for studying conditioned reflexes.
  • The human brain can handle up to 1,024 terabytes of information.

Psychology Questions and Answers

We have put together a wide range of questions on modern psychology, experimental psychology, and more in this list of Psychology trivia questions and answers. See how many you can get right!

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The psychological test of human emotions and personality, using inkblots, is formally known as what?â–¶ The Rorschach test
Gymnophobia is the fear of what?â–¶ Nudity
What do you call a condition where a person puts significant focus on physical symptoms to a level that brings functional problems?â–¶ Somatic Symptom Disorder
Which Psychologist is best known for his work around the theory of Behaviorism?â–¶ B F Skinner
What mental disorder causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs and lows?â–¶ Bipolar Disorder
When was the American Psychological Association founded?â–¶ July 1892
What are the five levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?â–¶ Physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization
What personality traits assessment gives you an archetype based on the following personalities: Extraversion vs. Introversion,  Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving?â–¶ Myers-Briggs
What is another name for the inkblot test?â–¶ Rorschach test
What is the series of experiments performed by Albert Bandura to test his social learning theory between 1961 and 1963?â–¶ Bobo Experiment
Which famous psychologist in child development formulated the theory of “genetic epistemology”?â–¶ Jean Piaget
Which American psychologist is called the Father of American Psychology?â–¶ William James
What’s the mental disorder where people have an inflated sense of their own importance and need validation and admiration of others?â–¶ Narcissistic Personality Disorder
What hormones does browsing through social media trigger?â–¶ Cortisol and Dopamine
What is the fear of clowns called?â–¶ Coulrophobia
Who is considered the father of psychoanalysis?â–¶ Sigmund Freud
Which psychologist investigated obedience using electric shocks?â–¶ Stanley Milgram
Dendrophobia is the fear of what?â–¶ Trees
The desire to eat strange things that are non-nutritive is known as what?â–¶ Pica
Cynophobia is the fear of what kind of animal?â–¶ Dogs
What is the term for the study of nonverbal communication?â–¶ Kinesics
Who developed the hierarchy of needs theory?â–¶ Abraham Maslow
What is the name of the phenomenon where people conform to a group even when it goes against their beliefs?â–¶ Social conformity
Who created the theory of classical conditioning?â–¶ Ivan Pavlov
What is the name of the personality test that uses a projective technique?â–¶ Rorschach Inkblot Test
Who is known for his experiments on obedience to authority figures?â–¶ Stanley Milgram
What is the name of the cognitive bias where people overestimate their own abilities and underestimate the abilities of others?â–¶ Dunning-Kruger Effect
Who developed the social identity theory?â–¶ Henri Tajfel
What is the term for the unconscious blocking of unpleasant memories?â–¶ Repression
Who is known for his research on learned helplessness?â–¶ Martin Seligman
What is the term for the theory that suggests people are motivated by a drive to maintain consistency in their beliefs and behaviors?â–¶ Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Who is known for the concept of the self-actualization?â–¶ Carl Rogers
What is the name of the psychological disorder where a person has two or more distinct identities or personalities?â–¶ Dissociative Identity Disorder
Who is known for the cognitive development theory?â–¶ Jean Piaget
What is the term for the concept that people are more likely to remember the first and last items in a series?â–¶ Serial position effect
Who developed the hierarchy of cognitive development theory?â–¶ Lawrence Kohlberg
What is the term for the cognitive bias where people give more weight to recent events than earlier ones?â–¶ Recency effect
Who is known for his work on the principles of operant conditioning?â–¶ B.F. Skinner
What is the term for the psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to conform when they think they are being watched?â–¶ Social facilitation
What is the term for a person’s unique combination of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive patterns?â–¶ Personality
What is the term for an individual’s conscious understanding of their own thoughts and feelings?â–¶ Self-awareness
What is the name of the first woman to receive a PhD in psychology?â–¶ Margaret Floy Washburn
Which famous psychologist is known for his experiment on obedience, involving participants giving electric shocks to others?â–¶ Stanley Milgram
What is the term for a psychological disorder characterized by delusions and hallucinations?â–¶ Schizophrenia
What is the term for a personality trait characterized by high levels of anxiety and tension?â–¶ Neuroticism
What is the name of the psychological test that measures personality traits, such as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism?â–¶ Big Five Personality Test
Who is known for the Bobo doll experiment, which demonstrated the impact of observation and imitation on behavior?â–¶ Albert Bandura
What is the term for a psychological disorder characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts or impulses?â–¶ Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Who developed the stages of cognitive development theory, which suggests that children develop their thinking abilities in stages?â–¶ Jean Piaget
What is the term for a type of therapy that focuses on changing negative or maladaptive thoughts and behaviors?â–¶ Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Who is known for his theory of operant conditioning, which describes how behavior is shaped by its consequences?â–¶ B.F. Skinner
What is the name of the famous experiment in which participants were randomly assigned to be guards or prisoners in a simulated prison, revealing the power of social roles?â–¶ Stanford Prison Experiment
Who is known for the stages of grief model, which includes denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance?â–¶ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
What is the term for the mental process of adapting one’s beliefs or actions in response to new information or experiences?â–¶ Learning
Who is known for the theory of multiple intelligences, which suggests that there are different types of intelligence beyond IQ?â–¶ Howard Gardner
What is the term for a type of therapy that involves reliving and processing traumatic memories in order to reduce their impact?â–¶ Exposure therapy
What is the name of the famous experiment where participants delivered electric shocks to a learner in another room?â–¶ Milgram Experiment
Which psychologist is known for his research on classical conditioning with dogs?â–¶ Ivan Pavlov
What is the name of the psychological theory that emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts?â–¶ Psychoanalytic theory
Which famous psychologist was known for his research on social conformity?â–¶ Solomon Asch
What is the name of the psychological test that measures intelligence?â–¶ IQ test
Who is known for the “Bobo doll” experiment on aggression in children?â–¶ Albert Bandura
What is the name of the psychological theory that emphasizes free will and personal growth?â–¶ Humanistic theory
Which famous psychologist is known for his theory on cognitive development in children?â–¶ Jean Piaget
Who is known for the “little Albert” experiment on fear conditioning?â–¶ John B. Watson
What is the name of the psychological disorder characterized by alternating episodes of mania and depression?â–¶ Bipolar disorder
What is the name of the psychological theory that emphasizes how people perceive, think, and solve problems?â–¶ Cognitive theory
Who is known for his work on social identity and intergroup relations?â–¶ Henri Tajfel
What is the name of the psychological disorder characterized by intense fear of being scrutinized or evaluated by others?â–¶ Social anxiety disorder
Who is known for his research on the “fight or flight” response to stress?â–¶ Walter Cannon
What is the name of the psychological theory that emphasizes the role of social factors in behavior?â–¶ Social learning theory
Who is known for his work on the cognitive development of infants and children?â–¶ Lev Vygotsky
What is the name of the psychological disorder characterized by excessive and persistent worry and anxiety?â–¶ Generalized anxiety disorder
Who is known for developing the theory of cognitive development in children?â–¶ Jean Piaget
Who is known for developing the concept of the collective unconscious?â–¶ Carl Jung
Which famous psychologist is known for the Bobo doll experiment on aggression in children?â–¶ Albert Bandura
Who is known for developing the concept of flow in psychology?â–¶ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Who developed the concept of social learning theory?â–¶ Albert Bandura
Who is known for developing the theory of emotional intelligence?â–¶ Daniel Goleman
Who developed the concept of self-actualization?â–¶ Abraham Maslow
Who is known for developing the concept of operant conditioning?â–¶ B.F. Skinner
Who is known for developing the concept of positive psychology?â–¶ Martin Seligman
Who developed the concept of the bystander effect?â–¶ Bibb Latane and John Darley
Who is known for developing the concept of cognitive dissonance?â–¶ Leon Festinger
Who developed the concept of the fundamental attribution error?â–¶ Edward E. Jones and Victor Harris
Who is known for developing the concept of self-verification?â–¶ William Swann
What is the study of non-verbal communication called?â–¶ Kinesics
Who developed the concept of operant conditioning?â–¶ B.F. Skinner
What is the name of the famous experiment where participants were asked to administer electric shocks to other participants?â–¶ Milgram experiment
Who is known for developing the theory of cognitive development in children?â–¶ Jean Piaget
What is the term for a pattern of thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that persist over time?â–¶ Personality trait
Who developed the concept of archetypes?â–¶ Carl Jung
What is the study of how the brain influences behavior called?â–¶ Neuropsychology
Who is known for developing the social cognitive theory?â–¶ Albert Bandura
What is the name of the test that measures intelligence quotient (IQ)?â–¶ Stanford-Binet test
Who is known for developing the concept of the collective unconscious?â–¶ Carl Jung
What is the term for the tendency to seek out information that confirms one’s pre-existing beliefs?â–¶ Confirmation bias

About the Author

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Tim majored in Humanities with a bachelor in English and Theatre at New York State University. He lectured on entertainment business studies for three years at Plymouth College.

Tim has been a trivia host in his current hometown of Pittsburgh for the past two years. He enjoys hanging out with people who love trivia just as much as he does.

His friends call him the Question Master.