19+ Greece Trivia Questions and Answers

Greece is a beautiful country filled with incredible stories, beautiful sceneries, and a rich history and culture. You can dive into ancient Greek trivia or look at modern Greece and still appreciate its beauty.

So, why not celebrate the wonder that is Greek language, Greek food, Greek people, Greek history, and Greek culture with a trivia collection? We’ve created one place to get Greece trivia and interesting facts.

Greece Trivia

How much do you know about Ancient Greece and other facts about the Greeks? Here’s a collection of trivia and fun facts about Greece.

  • Athens is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with more than 6 million visitors every year.
  • The ancient Greeks played the Olympic games in ancient times in honor of Zeus.
  • Greece has an average of 250 days of sunshine with warm temperatures every year.
  • The Saint (Agios) Georgios in Komitades was painted by 13th century painter Ioannis Pagomenos.
  • The goddess Athena was known to be the Greek goddess of battle strategy and wisdom.
  • Mount Olympus is a real mountain in Greece taught to be the home of the Greek gods.
  • Greek is one of the oldest languages in Western civilization, dating back as far as 1450 BC.

Greece Trivia Questions and Answers

So let’s test your knowledge about Greece with this collection of Greece trivia questions and answers. Good luck!

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What’s Greece’s official name? â–¶ Hellenic Republic
What’s the largest city in Greece? â–¶ Kilkis
What sea below Greece is an important part of their ancient trade and history? â–¶ Aegean Sea
How many letters are in the Greek alphabet?â–¶ 24
What is the name given to an ancient analog computer that was discovered by divers off a Greek island in 1900?â–¶ Antikythera mechanism
According to Greek mythology, who was the goddess of beauty?â–¶ Aphrodite
According to Greek mythology which Gorgon had snakes for hair and could turn onlookers into stone?â–¶ Medusa
What is the name for the Greek goddess of victory?â–¶ Nike
According to Greek mythology, who was the god of wine?â–¶ Dionysos
Alexander the great was taught by which Greek philosopher?â–¶ Aristotle
According to Greek mythology which King of Mycenae was the father of Agamemnon and Menelaus?â–¶ Atreus
Sappho was an Archaic Greek poet from which Greek island?â–¶ Lesbos

About the Author

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Tim majored in Humanities with a bachelor in English and Theatre at New York State University. He lectured on entertainment business studies for three years at Plymouth College.

Tim has been a trivia host in his current hometown of Pittsburgh for the past two years. He enjoys hanging out with people who love trivia just as much as he does.

His friends call him the Question Master.