28+ Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

We’ve put together a collection of Bible trivia to see how much of the Good Book you know. Let’s see if you’re able to answer these Bible trivia questions. You’ll also learn many new things about the book called “God’s Word” along the way!

Bible Trivia

Dive into the New Testament and Old Testament of the Bible and see that there’s so much to learn from Bible stories, teachings, and information. Here are some facts and trivia about the Bible and its contents.

  • Joseph’s brothers sold him to slavery out of jealousy over his father’s favoritism towards him.
  • Moses had a stutter and needed a spokesperson in Aaron when speaking to Pharaoh.
  • Absalom was David’s son whose hair got caught in a tree branch, leading to his demise.
  • There are 66 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament.
  • The name of the Bible character thrown into a lion’s den and survived was Daniel.
  • The Apostle Simon Peter was a fisherman before becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • The Israelites passed the Red Sea after God parted it.
  • The longest book in the Bible is Jeremiah, with 33,002 words.
  • The shortest book in the Bible is Obadiah.

Bible Trivia Questions and Answers

So are you ready to play a Bible Trivia game? Test your Bible knowledge. Try out the Bible quiz below and see how many answers you can get right. You can also use these questions in Sunday School Class, school, or trivia games with family and friends!

Take this Bible trivia book challenge and see how many you get right!

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What did Mary use to anoint Jesus’ feet? â–¶ Expensive Perfume
Which mountain did Abraham try to offer Isaac? â–¶ Mount Moriah
Which New Testament book contains the phrase “In the beginning was the Word…”?â–¶ John
How does the Lord’s Prayer start?â–¶ “Our Father who art in heaven…”
Which king tried to order the execution of Jesus when he was a child? â–¶ King Herod
What was God’s promise to Abraham? â–¶ He would be a father of many nations
What was the Promised Land called when God presented it to Abraham? â–¶ Canaan
What did the Israelites create when Moses went up to Mount Sinai? â–¶ A Golden Calf
How many wise men came to visit the baby Jesus? â–¶ Three
What was the disciple Matthew’s job before meeting the Lord Jesus? â–¶ Tax Collector
How did God appear to Moses for the first time? â–¶ A Burning Bush
Which Jewish ruling council influenced Roman officials to sentence Jesus to death? â–¶ the Sanhedrin
What’s the shortest verse in the Bible? â–¶ John 11:35 (“Jesus Wept”)
How many days did the great flood of Noah last? â–¶ 40 days and 40 nights
What is the first commandment of the ten commandments?â–¶ You shall have no other gods before Me.
What are the first three words of the Bible?â–¶ In the beginning
What is the first book of the Bible?â–¶ Genesis
According to the Bible, who is the disciple that betrayed Jesus?â–¶ Judas Iscariot
According to the Bible, who was the longest lived person on Earth?â–¶ Methuselah: 969 years

About the Author

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Tim majored in Humanities with a bachelor in English and Theatre at New York State University. He lectured on entertainment business studies for three years at Plymouth College.

Tim has been a trivia host in his current hometown of Pittsburgh for the past two years. He enjoys hanging out with people who love trivia just as much as he does.

His friends call him the Question Master.