100+ Geek Trivia Questions and Answers

Geeks unite! It’s time for Geek trivia challenge that will see how much you know about technology, video games, and so much more. Nerd knowledge goes beyond just useless knowledge. The world is run by the most prominent geeks ever— Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk. And that’s not including the geeks that run the world of comics, literature, movies, and so much more!

Geek Trivia

Let’s go through some amazing facts about some of the geekiest things around us. Go through some interesting trivia with your friends and challenge them to a Geek quiz or two! Break up into teams and which players know more film trivia, tech knowledge, and anything that a geek would know.

Geek Trivia Questions and Answers

Are you ready for a trivia game that will challenge the geek in you? Try this geek trivia challenge today!

What digital currency is Satoshi Nakamoto credited with inventing?▶ Bitcoin
What 2013 science fiction blockbuster starred Sandra Bullock and George Clooney?▶ Gravity
Which iOS App was the most downloaded in 2022?▶ TikTok
What former planet was demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006?▶ Pluto
The largest volcano ever discovered in our solar system is located on which planet?▶ Mars
What is name of the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator?▶ The Large Hadron Collider
In our solar system which two planets rotate clockwise?▶ Venus & Uranus
Bruce Willis played a convict turned time traveler in what 1995 movie?▶ 12 Monkeys
Orson Welles provided the voice for which Transformer in “The Transformers: The Movie” released in 1986?▶ Unicron
Each of a classic Rubik’s Cube six faces is covered by how many stickers?▶ Nine
What is the unit of length that is approximately 3.26 light-years?▶ Parsec
Star Trek: The Next Generation originally aired in what year?▶ 1987
“Torchwood” is an anagram and spin-off of what popular British sci-fi series?▶ Doctor Who
The inventor Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th 1856 in what modern day country?▶ Croatia
What is the name of the American animated sci-fi sitcom about the misadventures of a mad scientist and his grandson?▶ Rick and Morty
In the movie The Terminator, what is the name of the company that created Skynet?▶ Cyberdyne Systems
What is the secret identity of the fictional superhero Batman?▶ Bruce Wayne
The Punisher is a fictional character appearing in comic books published by which company?▶ Marvel Comics
What does HTTP stand for in a website address?▶ HyperText Transfer Protocol
What was the name of the first electronic general-purpose computer?▶ ENIAC
What Harvard dropout co-founded Microsoft?▶ Bill Gates
What is the name given to an ancient analog computer that was discovered by divers off a Greek island in 1900?▶ Antikythera mechanism
One kilobyte is equal to how many bytes?▶ 1024
1,024 Gigabytes is equal to one what?▶ Terabyte
In 1975 an engineer created the first electronic camera while working for what company?▶ Kodak
Mario Kart is a video game series publish by which company?▶ Nintendo
Made up predominantly of young men, adult fans of the animated television series My Little Pony are known as what?▶ Bronies
What is the most abundant element in the earth’s atmosphere?▶ Nitrogen
SNES is the acronym for what popular gaming console released in the early 1990s?▶ Super Nintendo Entertainment System
What is the smallest unit of measurement in computer memory?Bit
In what year was the first computer mouse invented?1963
Who is known as the “Father of Artificial Intelligence”?John McCarthy
What is the name of the AI voice assistant developed by Apple?Siri
Who is the creator of the Linux operating system?Linus Torvalds
What does the acronym “HTTP” stand for?Hypertext Transfer Protocol
What is the first ever video game called?Tennis for Two
What is the most common programming language used today?JavaScript
What does the acronym “GUI” stand for?Graphical User Interface
Who co-founded Apple Inc. alongside Steve Jobs?Steve Wozniak
What is the name of the famous robotic telescope that orbits the Earth?Hubble Space Telescope
What is the name of the first-ever search engine?Archie
Who is the creator of the World Wide Web?Tim Berners-Lee
What does the acronym “RAM” stand for in computer terms?Random Access Memory
What is the most widely used database management system in the world?MySQL
Who is known as the “Mother of Computer Programming”?Ada Lovelace
What is the name of the programming language that is specifically designed for statistical computing and graphics?R
What does the acronym “VPN” stand for?Virtual Private Network
Who is the founder of Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company?Elon Musk
What is the name of the particle accelerator that is located in Switzerland and France?Large Hadron Collider
Who invented the first computer mouse?Douglas Engelbart
What does HTTP stand for?Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Who is the creator of the Linux operating system?Linus Torvalds
What does USB stand for?Universal Serial Bus
What does the acronym BIOS stand for?Basic Input/Output System
Who invented the World Wide Web?Tim Berners-Lee
What is the smallest unit of digital information?Bit
In what year was the first iPhone released?2007
Who is considered the father of computer science?Alan Turing
What is the name of the robot in the movie WALL-E?WALL-E
What does the acronym RAM stand for?Random Access Memory
Who created the programming language Python?Guido van Rossum
In what year was the first version of Microsoft Windows released?1985
What is the name of the main character in the movie Tron?Kevin Flynn
Who invented the first commercially successful microprocessor?Intel
What does the acronym HTML stand for?Hypertext Markup Language
In what year was the first version of the web browser Netscape released?1994
What is the name of the supercomputer that defeated chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov in 1997?Deep Blue
Who is the author of the book “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”?Douglas Adams
What does the acronym VPN stand for?Virtual Private Network
What does BIOS stand for?Basic Input/Output System
Who is the creator of the programming language Python?Guido van Rossum
What does the acronym CSS stand for?Cascading Style Sheets
What does the acronym SQL stand for?Structured Query Language
What does the term “cyberspace” refer to?The virtual space where computer networks exist
Who is credited with inventing the World Wide Web?Tim Berners-Lee
What is the smallest unit of digital information?Bit
What does the term “open source” mean in software development?A type of software licensing that allows users to access and modify the source code
What is the name of the first computer virus?Creeper
What is the name of the first video game ever created?Tennis for Two
What does the acronym FTP stand for?File Transfer Protocol
What is the name of the programming language used to create iOS and macOS apps?Swift
What is the name of the first microprocessor?Intel 4004
Who is considered the “father of artificial intelligence”?John McCarthy
What does the acronym HTML stand for?HyperText Markup Language
Who is the creator of the Linux operating system?Linus Torvalds
What does the term “debugging” mean in programming?The process of identifying and fixing errors in code
What is the name of the first popular web browser?Netscape Navigator
What does the acronym VPN stand for?Virtual Private Network
Who is considered the “father of the computer”?Charles Babbage
What was the first video game to feature a female protagonist?Ms. Pac-Man
In computing, what does “RAM” stand for?Random Access Memory
Who invented the World Wide Web?Tim Berners-Lee
What type of animal is a tardigrade?Water bear
What was the first computer to be marketed towards individual consumers?Apple II
What was the first smartphone to feature a virtual assistant?Apple iPhone 4S (Siri)
What does “HTTP” stand for?Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Who founded SpaceX?Elon Musk
What is the smallest unit of digital information?Bit
What is the name of the artificial intelligence system developed by IBM that defeated human champions in Jeopardy!?Watson
What is the term used to describe a computer’s ability to mimic human intelligence?Artificial Intelligence
In video games, what does “FPS” stand for?Frames Per Second
Who is known as the “father of the computer”?Alan Turing
In programming, what is a “syntax error”?An error that occurs when the code violates the grammar rules of the programming language
What is the most commonly used programming language in the world?JavaScript
What does the acronym “URL” stand for?Uniform Resource Locator
What is the name of the first computer virus?Creeper
Who invented the first video game console?Ralph H. Baer
What is the name of the video game franchise featuring the character Geralt of Rivia?The Witcher
In programming, what is a “bug”?An error in the code that causes unexpected behavior

About the Author

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Tim majored in Humanities with a bachelor in English and Theatre at New York State University. He lectured on entertainment business studies for three years at Plymouth College.

Tim has been a trivia host in his current hometown of Pittsburgh for the past two years. He enjoys hanging out with people who love trivia just as much as he does.

His friends call him the Question Master.